For Authors

Manuscript submission rules

The journal publishes scientific articles, reviews, essays, and reports on scientific events. A separate section is devoted to retropublications.

For publication the journal "Social Sciences and Humanities. Domestic and Foreign Literature. Series 6: Linguistics" invites authors with completed linguistic education not lower than master's degree (specialist's degree), graduate students, candidates and doctors of science.

Initially, all manuscripts received by the Editorial Board are discussed at the meeting of the Department of Linguistics of INION RAS. After that, the manuscripts that are found to meet the requirements of the journal (in terms of design, journal profile, etc.) undergo a "blind" review for the purpose of expert evaluation and plagiarism check. The final decision on the publication is taken at the meeting of the Editorial Board. In case of refusal to accept the manuscript for publication, the Editorial Board informs the author about it. The period of consideration of the manuscript by the Editorial Board and reviewers does not exceed 90 days from the date of receipt of the manuscript in the editorial board. The publication of the article does not take more than 1 year.

By submitting the manuscript to the Editorial Board, the author confirms that the text has not been previously published and is not under consideration in another publication.

Publication in the journal is free of charge for authors.

General requirements for manuscripts

Manuscripts are accepted in electronic form in .doc or .docx format. The text font is Times New Roman, font size (including footnotes) - 14 pt, line spacing - 1.5, indent - 1 cm.

Authors should indicate their surname, first name and patronymic (in full? if they have it), place of their work, position and e-mail address. Information about the author is provided in Russian and English.

The volume of manuscripts (including all elements of the text):

- articles and reviews - not more than 40 thousand characters (with spaces);

- reviews - not more than 25 thousand characters (with spaces);

- reports on scientific events - not more than 50 thousand characters (with spaces).

Requirements for the design of manuscripts of articles, reviews and essays

Articles, reviews, essays, and reports on scientific events must include the UDC, an abstract (about 500 characters (with spaces) in Russian and English), and 4-10 key words/phrases, separated by semicolons, in Russian and English.

Bibliographical references are given in the text of the article in square brackets: their author's surname, year of publication [Ivanov, 1991], [Smith, 1951], [The title of the source in original language, 2020], and pages, if citing the source [Ivanov, 1991, p. 3], [Smith, 1951, p. 34], [The title of the source in original language, 2020, p. 3].

The list of references is filled up in alphabetical order at the end of the text. Firstly indicated are sources in Russian, then in foreign languages.

An example of a list of references.

Список литературы

Иванов И.И. Полное название источника. – Москва: Название издательства, год издания. – 432 с.

Иванов И.И. Полное название источника // Название журнала. – Год издания. – номер журнала. – URL: (дата обращения: 20.04.2020).

Иванов И.И. Полное название источника // Название журнала. – Год издания. – номер журнала. – С. 14–37.

Полное название источника на языке оригинала / Иванов И.И., Петров П.П., Васечкин В.В. // Название журнала. – Год издания. – номер журнала. – С. 61–83.

The title of the article / Brown T., Smith K., White R. // The title of the journal. – The year. – Vol. 39, N 7. – P. 1–16.

Smith K. The title of the article (chapter) // The title of the book / ed. by M. Smith. – N.Y. : Springer, 2005. – P. 55–68.

Smith K. The title of the article (chapter) // The title of the book / ed. by N. Collins. – London ; Oxford : Oxford univ. press, 2002. – Vol. / Ch. / Pt. 2. – P. 22¬–70.

Smith K. The title of the book. – N.Y. : Springer, 2005. – P. 55–68. – N.Y. : E.P. Dutton, 1951. – 338 p.

The title of the source. –URL: (accessed: 05.04.2020).


Baranov A.N., Dobrovol'skij D.O. Osnovy frazeologii [Basics of phraseology]. – Moscow : FLINTA : Nauka, 2013. – 307, [1] p. (In Russian) Boguslavskij I. M., Iomdin L. L. Bezuslovnye oboroty i frazemy v tolkovo-kombinatornom slovare [Unconditional turns and phrasemes in the interpretative dictionary] // Aktual'nye voprosy prakticheskoj realizacii sistem avtomaticheskogo perevoda. – Moscow : Izd-vo MGU, 1982. – Ch. 2. – Pp. 210–222. (In Russian)

Velichko A.V. Sintaksicheskaja frazeologija dlja russkih i inostrancev [Syntactic phraseology for Russians and foreigners]. – Moscow : Filol. fak. MGU, 1996. – 94,[2] p. (In Russian)

Vsevolodova M.V., Lim S.Jo. Principy lingvisticheskogo opisanija sintaksicheskih frazeologizmov : na materiale sintaksicheskih frazeologizmov so znacheniem ocenki [Principles of linguistic description of syntactic phraseological units: on the material of syntactic phraseological units with the meaning of evaluation]. – Moscow : Maks Press, 2002. – 161 p. (In Russian)

Iomdin L.L. Mnogoznachnye sintaksicheskie frazemy: mezhdu leksikoj i sintaksisom [Polysemous syntactic phrasemes : between vocabulary and syntax] // Komp'juternaja lingvistika i intellektual'nye tehnologii. Trudy Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii «Dialog-2006». Trudy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii. Bekasovo, 31 maja – 4 ijunja 2006 g. – Moscow : Izd-vo RGGU, 2006. – Pp. 202-206. (In Russian)

Iomdin L.L. V glubinah mikrosintaksisa: odin leksicheskij klass sintaksicheskih frazem [In the depths of microsyntaxis: one lexical class of syntactic phrasemes] // Komp'juternaja lingvistika i intellektual'nye tehnologii: Po materialam ezhegodnoj Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii «Dialog». Vypusk 7 (14). Trudy Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii. Bekasovo, 4-8 ijunja 2008 g. – Moscow : RGGU, 2008. – Vyp. 7(14). – Pp. 178-184. (In Russian)

Iordanskaja L.N., Mel'chuk I.A. Smysl i sochetaemost' v slovare [Meaning and compatibility in the dictionary]. – Moscow : Jazyki slavjanskih kul'tur, 2007. - 665 p. (In Russian)

Russkaja grammatika [Russian grammar]: v 2 t. / gl. red. N.Ju. Shvedova. – T. II. Sintaksis / E. A. Bryzgunova, K. V. Gabuchan, V. A. Cikovich i dr. – Moscow : Nauka, 1980. – 709 p. (In Russian)

Shmelev D.N. Sovremennyj russkij jazyk. Leksika [Modern Russian language. Vocabulary]. – Moscow : Prosveshhenie, 1977. – 335 p. (In Russian)

A sample to present an article




Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются (объем аннотации - 500 знаков с пробелами).

Ключевые слова: русский язык; местоимение; часть речи (4- 10 ключевых слов или словосочетаний).

Для цитирования: Иванов А.Н. К вопросу о местоимениях в русском языке // Социальные и гуманитарные науки. Отечественная и зарубежная литература. Серия Языкознание. – 2023. – № ?. – С.____ – DOI:


Abstract. The article discusses ….


For citation: Ivanov A.N. Перевод статьи на английском языке // Social and Humanitarian Sciences. Domestic and foreign literature. Series. Linguistics. – 2023. – N ?. – Pp. ___. – Moscow, 2023. – DOI:

Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи [Васечкин, 2013].

Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи: "Текст статьи" [Васечкин, 2013, с. 5.].

Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи [Smith, 2023].

Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи. Текст статьи: "Текст статьи" [Smith, 2023, p. 12].

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Список литературы

(First the Russian sources, then in other languages)


* Иванов Алексей Николаевич – ученая степень, Место работы, должность. E-mail.

** Сведения об авторе на английском языке.