The Editorial Board of the scientific journal "Social Sciences and Humanities. Domestic and Foreign Literature. Series 6: Linguistics" performs reviewing of all incoming materials. The reviewers who cooperate with the journal are experts in their field of knowledge and have publications in leading scientific journals. All of them have scientific degrees of candidates or doctors of sciences.
Manuscripts of materials (articles, reviews, essays, reports on a scientific event, etc.) prepared for the journal "Social Sciences and Humanities. Domestic and Foreign Literature. Series 6: Linguistics" are forwarded to the journal's official e-mail ( or online on our website.
At the meeting of the journal's editorial board, all materials undergo an initial evaluation for the basic requirements of the journal (design, thematic profile, journal focus), and then are sent for "blind" reviewing.
The period of reviewing is not more than 1 month from the date of sending the manuscript to the reviewer. The reviewer evaluates the manuscript following the obligatory points in the review form developed by the Editorial Board. At the end of the review, advantages and disadvantages of the work, possibilities for its improvement, as well as the expediency or inexpediency of the publication are noted.
Reviewing the article, reviewers evaluated the scientific relevance and novelty of the research results presented in the work; the degree of compliance of the results presented in the work with current scientific trends; sufficiency and novelty of the sources used in the work; style of presentation of the material, compliance with the requirements for structure and integrity of the scientific text.
When reviewing reports of scientific events, the relevance of the scientific event itself and the quality of its presentation are taken into account.
For all publications, the style of presentation, adequacy of the reference system, etc. are evaluated.
If the material requires revision, appropriate recommendations are offered and sent to the author. In case of refusal in publication, the Editorial Board sends a motivated refusal to the author.
The final decision on the publication of the manuscript is made at the meeting of the Editorial Board.
Reviews are kept in the Editorial Board for at least five years, copies of reviews are presented to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation when the corresponding request is received by the Editorial Board.