, Слышкин Г.Г.


The paper deals with a discourse phenomenon “renunciation” treated as a complex communicative action. Its semantic properties consist in the expression of a deliberate demonstrative disavowal of someone’s rights, convictions, or contacts with certain people. The pragmatic meaning of this action may be described as its performative status, i.e. irrevocable change of the situation. We argue that linguistic and cultural approach to explanation of renunciation makes it possible to qualify this action as a treason, or weakness, or a legitimate right of a subject. A personality type “renegade” represents this concept as a recognizable human image, and in many cases such people reprobate themselves. Renunciation as a discourse phenomenon appears in different communicative situations, most typical are spheres of politics, religion and science. It merges as a genre with refutation in media discourse where abdication necessarily includes the explanation of its motives.


renunciation; action; discourse; concept; pragmatics.

DOI: 10.31249/ling/2023.02.04

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